Country: Thailand
Registration deadline: 06 Feb 2019
Starting date: 11 Feb 2019
Ending date: 13 Feb 2019
Effective and efficient global leaders and project managers need to monitor and evaluate their development projects. They have to understand the importance of the LogFrame and related indicators as M&E tools. This three-day workshop designed by HDFF improves the understanding and application of these tools as crucial contribution to the organization’s success in implementing development projects.Guest presentations from UN / INGO professionals will deepen the gained knowledge.
- Key concepts and terminology of M&E
- LogFrame as important M&E tool
- Data collection and evaluation methods
- Developing M&E plan
- Stakeholder analysis and communication as integral part of M&E
How to register:
To register for this course, Please complete the following steps for registration and payment:
*Registration Deadline: 06 February 2019
*25 January 2019 for nationalities that require visa
Course Code: MEDP_2019_1
- Apply for training or ask for registration form from, or
- Receive a registration form & sign back
- Receive e-mail confirmation with attach invoice and documents for details and references
- Payment 10 days in advance or apply early bird discount
- Receive a soft copy of receipt of payment thru e-mail and on the training day (actual receipt)
- Attend the training
HDFF reserves the right to make changes to training events on short notice.